Generac Portable Generator 04077 1 04109 1 04079 1 00789 1 00844 1 User Manual

Installation, Start-up  
and Adjustment Manual  
Air-cooled, Prepackaged  
Standby Generators  
Nonsound Attenuated (Non-SA)  
04077-1 (6 kW)  
04109-1 (8 kW)  
04079-1 (10 kW)  
Sound Attenuated (SA)  
00789-1 (8 kW)  
00844-1 (8 kW)  
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Table of Contents  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Introduction ......................Inside Front Cover  
Read This Manual Thoroughly ......................IFC  
Operation and Maintenance............................IFC  
How to Obtain Service....................................IFC  
Authorized Dealer Location Number..................IFC  
Section 2 – Operation ..................................18  
2.1 Using the Auto/Off/Manual Switch..............18  
2.1.1 Auto” Position................................18  
2.1.2 “Off Position..................................18  
2.1.3 “Manual” Position ..........................18  
2.2 Automatic Transfer Operation....................18  
2.3 Sequence of Automatic Operation ..............19  
2.4 Manual Transfer Operation........................19  
2.4.1 Transfer to Generator  
Safety Rules ......................................................2  
Section 1 – Installation ..................................4  
1.1 Introduction to Installation ..........................4  
1.1.1 Installation Assistance......................4  
1.1.2 Standards Index ..............................4  
1.2 Unpacking....................................................4  
1.2.1 Precautions ......................................4  
1.2.2 Inspection ........................................4  
1.3 Before Installation........................................5  
1.4 Lifting the Generator....................................5  
1.5 Engine Oil Recommendations ......................5  
1.6 Gaseous Fuel System ..................................5  
1.6.1 Fuel System Requirements  
Power Source ..................................19  
2.4.2 Transfer Back to Utility  
Power Source ..................................20  
2.5 Protection Systems ....................................20  
2.5.1 Low Oil Pressure Switch ................20  
2.5.2 High Temperature Switch ..............20  
2.5.3 Overcrank ......................................20 Approximate Crank  
Cycle Times ....................21  
2.5.4 Overspeed ......................................21  
2.6 Additional Generator Features ..................21  
2.6.1 6 kW, 8 kW and  
and Recommendations ....................5  
10 kW Units (Non-SA)....................21  
2.6.2 Sound Attenuated Units ................21  
1.6.2 Fuel Consumption............................6  
1.6.3 Fuel Pipe Sizing................................6  
1.6.4 Reconfiguring the Fuel System ........6  
1.7 Location and Mounting ................................7  
1.7.1 Generator ........................................7  
Section 3 – Post-installation Start-up  
3.1 Before Initial Start-up ................................22  
3.2 Check Transfer Switch Operation ..............22  
3.3 Electrical Checks ......................................22  
3.4 Generator Tests Under Load......................22  
3.5 Checking Automatic Operation ..................23  
3.6 Adjusting the Load Block ..........................23  
3.7 Engine Governor Adjustment ....................24  
3.7.1 6 kW Units (Non-SA)......................24  
3.7.2 8 kW and 10 kW Units (Non-SA)....24  
3.7.3 Sound Attenuated Units ................25  
3.8 Voltage Regulator Adjustment ....................25  
3.9 Overspeed Calibration................................25  
3.9.1 6 kW, 8 kW and 6 kW, 8 kW and  
10 kW Units (Non-SA) ......7 Sound Attenuated Units ....7  
1.7.2 Transfer Switch................................7 6 Kw, 8 kW and  
10 kW Units (Non-SA) ......7 Sound Attenuated Units ....7  
1.8 Emergency Circuit Isolation Method ..........11  
1.9 Total Circuit Isolation Method....................11  
1.10 Generator AC Connection System ..............12  
1.11 Wiring Interconnections ..............................12  
1.11.1 6 kW, 8 kW and  
10 kW Units (Non-SA)....................12  
10 kW Units (Non-SA)....................26  
1.11.2 Sound Attenuated Units ................12  
1.12 Generators and GTS Transfer Switches ....14  
1.13 Control Circuit Interconnections................14  
1.14 Adapting Three-phase Transfer Switch......15  
1.15 Control Board Configuration......................15  
1.16 Grounding the Generator ..........................15  
1.17 The Battery.................................................16  
1.17.1 Battery Installation ........................17  
1.18 The Fuse.............. ......................................17  
1.19 Post Installation Inspection ........................17  
3.9.2 Sound Attenuated Units ................26  
3.10 Setting the Exercise Timer ........................26  
3.10.1 6 kW, 8 kW and  
10 kW Units (Non-SA)....................26  
3.10.2 Sound Attenuated Units ................26  
Section 4 – Troubleshooting ......................27  
4.1 Troubleshooting Guide ..............................27  
4.2 Installation Checklist ................................28  
Section 5 – Notes ..........................................29  
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Important Safety Instructions  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS – The manufacturer suggests that these rules for safe  
operation be copied and posted near the unit’s installation site. Safety should be stressed to  
all operators and potential operators of this equipment.  
contains chemicals known to the state  
of California to cause cancer, birth  
defects or other reproductive harm.  
The engine exhaust from this product  
• For safety reasons, Generac recommends  
that the installation, initial start-up and mainte-  
nance of this equipment is carried out by a  
Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer.  
• The engine exhaust fumes contain carbon monox-  
ide, which can be DEADLY. This dangerous gas, if  
breathed in sufficient concentrations, can cause  
unconsciousness or even death. This exhaust sys-  
tem must be installed properly, in strict compli-  
ance with applicable codes and standards.  
Following installation, you must do nothing that  
might render the system unsafe or in noncompli-  
ance with such codes and standards.  
• Keep hands, feet, clothing, etc., away from drive  
belts, fans, and other moving or hot parts. Never  
remove any drive belt or fan guard while the unit is  
• Adequate, unobstructed flow of cooling and venti-  
lating air is critical to correct generator operation.  
Do not alter the installation or permit even partial  
blockage of ventilation provisions, as this can seri-  
ously affect safe operation of the generator. The  
generator MUST be installed outdoors.  
Study these SAFETY RULES carefully before  
installing, operating or servicing this equipment.  
Become familiar with this Installation, Start-up and  
Adjustment Manual and with the unit. The generator  
can operate safely, efficiently and reliably only if it is  
properly installed, operated and maintained. Many  
accidents are caused by failing to follow simple and  
fundamental rules or precautions.  
Generac cannot possibly anticipate every possible cir  
cumstance that might involve a hazard. The warn-  
ings in this manual, and on tags and decals  
affixed to the unit are, therefore, not all-inclusive. If  
you use a procedure, work method or operating tech-  
nique Generac does not specifically recommend, you  
must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and others.  
You also must make sure the procedure, work  
method or operating technique that you choose does  
not render the generator unsafe.  
• When working on this equipment, remain alert at  
all times. Never work on the equipment when you  
are physically or mentally fatigued.  
• Inspect the generator regularly, and contact your  
nearest Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer for  
parts needing repair or replacement.  
• Before performing any maintenance on the genera-  
tor, disconnect its battery cables to prevent acci-  
dental start up. Disconnect the cable from the bat-  
tery post indicated by a NEGATIVE, NEG or (–)  
first. Reconnect that cable last.  
• Never use the generator or any of its parts as a  
step. Stepping on the unit can stress and break  
parts, and may result in dangerous operating con-  
ditions from leaking exhaust gases, fuel leakage,  
oil leakage, etc.  
Despite the safe design of this generator,  
operating this equipment imprudently, neglecting  
its maintenance or being careless can cause  
possible injury or death. Permit only responsible  
and capable persons to operate or maintain this  
Potentially lethal voltages are generated by  
these machines. Ensure all steps are taken to  
render the machine safe before attempting to  
work on the generator.  
Parts of the generator are rotating and/or hot  
during operation. Exercise care near running  
Generac Power Systems, Inc.  
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Important Safety Instructions  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
• All generators covered by this manual produce  
dangerous electrical voltages and can cause fatal  
electrical shock. Utility power delivers extremely  
high and dangerous voltages to the transfer switch  
as does the standby generator when it is in opera-  
tion. Avoid contact with bare wires, terminals, con-  
nections, etc., while the unit is running. Ensure all  
appropriate covers, guards and barriers are in  
place before operating the generator. If you must  
work around an operating unit, stand on an insu-  
lated, dry surface to reduce shock hazard.  
• Do not handle any kind of electrical device while  
standing in water, while barefoot, or while hands  
or feet are wet. DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL  
• The National Electrical Code (NEC) requires the  
frame and external electrically conductive parts of  
the generator to be connected to an approved earth  
ground. Local electrical codes also may require  
proper grounding of the generator electrical sys-  
For fire safety, the generator must be installed and  
maintained properly. Installation always must  
comply with applicable codes, standards, laws and  
regulations. Adhere strictly to local, state and  
national electrical and building codes. Comply  
with regulations the Occupational Safety and  
Health Administration (OSHA) has established.  
Also, ensure that the generator is installed in  
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions  
and recommendations. Following proper installa-  
tion, do nothing that might alter a safe installation  
and render the unit in noncompliance with the  
aforementioned codes, standards, laws and regu-  
• Keep a fire extinguisher near the generator at all  
times. Extinguishers rated ABC” by the National  
Fire Protection Association are appropriate for use  
on the standby electric system. Keep the extin-  
guisher properly charged and be familiar with its  
use. If you have any question pertaining to fire  
extinguishers, consult your local fire department.  
• After installing this home standby electrical sys-  
tem, the generator may crank and start at any time  
without warning. When this occurs, load circuits  
are transferred to the STANDBY (generator) power  
source. To prevent possible injury if such a start  
and transfer occur, always set the generator’s  
Auto/Off/Manual switch to its OFF position before  
working on equipment and remove the fuse.  
• In case of accident caused by electric shock, imme-  
diately shut down the source of electrical power. If  
this is not possible, attempt to free the victim from  
the live conductor. AVOID DIRECT CONTACT  
WITH THE VICTIM. Use a nonconducting imple-  
ment, such as a rope or board, to free the victim  
from the live conductor. If the victim is uncon-  
scious, apply first aid and get immediate medical  
• Do not smoke around the generator. Wipe up any  
fuel or oil spills immediately. Ensure that no com-  
bustible materials are left in the generator com-  
partment, or on or near the generator, as FIRE or  
EXPLOSION may result. Keep the area surround-  
ing the generator clean and free from debris.  
• Gaseous fluids such as natural gas and liquid  
propane (LP) gas are extremely EXPLOSIVE.  
Install the fuel supply system according to applica-  
ble fuel-gas codes. Before placing the home stand-  
by electric system into service, fuel system lines  
must be properly purged and leak tested according  
to applicable code. After installation, you must  
inspect the fuel system periodically for leaks. No  
leakage is permitted.  
• Never wear jewelry when working on this equip-  
ment. Jewelry can conduct electricity resulting in  
electric shock, or may get caught in moving com-  
ponents causing injury.  
Generac Power Systems, Inc.  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
ELECTRIC CODE, available same as Item 1.  
6. Article X, NATIONAL BUILDING CODE, available  
from the American Insurance Association, 85  
John Street, New York, N.Y. 10038.  
Only qualified electricians or contractors  
should attempt such installations, which  
must comply strictly with applicable  
codes, standards and regulations.  
from the Food and Energy Council, 909 University  
Avenue, Columbia, MO 65201.  
TEMS, available from the American Society of  
Agricultural Engineers, 2950 Niles Road, St.  
Joseph, MI 49085.  
LIQUIDS CODE, available same as Item 1.  
Read the entire manual before starting the installa-  
tion. Ensure that the model number of the unit  
being installed matches a model on the front cover.  
Generac cannot possibly know of and advise the home  
standby trade of all conceivable procedures and meth-  
ods by which installation of this equipment might be  
achieved. Neither can Generac know of possible hazards  
and/or results of each method or procedure. We have  
not undertaken any such wide evaluation.  
Handle shipping cartons and crates with care. Use  
care to avoid damage from dropping, bumping, colli-  
sion, etc. Store and unpack crates and cartons with  
the proper side up, as noted on the shipping carton.  
1. For the Homeowner or Business Owner: You need  
to have a certified electrician or contractor to  
install this product. To arrange for proper installa-  
tion, contact one of the following sources:  
• Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer: Look for  
“Generac” or “Guardian” in your local Yellow  
Pages under the classification “Generators –  
After unpacking, carefully inspect the contents  
for damage that may have occurred during shipment  
• This standby generator set has been factory sup-  
plied with a weather protective enclosure that is  
intended for outdoor installation only.  
• The 6 kW, 8 kW and 10 kW standby generator sets  
are packaged with an automatic transfer switch.  
• This UL listed, two-pole switch is rated at 100 AC  
amperes at 250 volts maximum. This transfer  
switch is for indoor use only.  
• All sound attenuated models have a built-in trans-  
fer switch.  
• Heating and A/C Contractors: Look in your local  
Yellow Pages under the classifications “Heating  
Contractors” or Air Conditioning Contractors.”  
• Call us direct at (262) 544-4811 between the  
hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. CST. We will gladly  
assist you in finding a local qualified installer.  
2. For the Installing Dealer/Contractor: This manual  
contains all the information required to properly  
install and start a Guardian Power Systems gen-  
erator in most applications. If you do need more  
If this generator is used to power electrical load  
circuits normally powered by a utility power  
source, you are required by code to install a trans-  
fer switch. The transfer switch must effectively iso-  
late the electrical system from the utility distribu-  
tion system when the generator is operating (NEC  
701). Failure to isolate an electrical system by such  
means will result in damage to the generator and  
also may result in injury or death to utility power  
workers due to backfeed of electrical energy.  
(262) 544-4811, between the hours of 8 a.m. and  
5 p.m., CST.  
In the absence of pertinent standards, codes, regula-  
tions and laws, the published information listed  
below may be used as installation guide for this  
ENGINES AND GAS TURBINES, available from  
the National Fire Protection Association, 470  
Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210.  
If any loss or damage is noted at time of delivery, have  
the person(s) making the delivery note all damage on  
the freight bill or affix his or her signature under the  
consignor's memo of loss or damage.  
If you note loss or damage after delivery, separate the  
damaged materials and contact the carrier for claim  
“Concealed damage” is understood to mean damage  
to the contents of a package that is not in evidence at  
the time of delivery, but is discovered later.  
same as Item 1.  
3. NFPA No. 54, NATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE, avail-  
able same as Item 1.  
PETROLEUM GAS, available same as Item 1.  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Before installing this equipment, check the ratings of both  
the generator and the transfer switch. Read “Emergency  
Circuit Isolation Method” and “Total Circuit Isolation  
Method” in Sections 1.8 and 1.9 (Page 11) carefully.  
When lifting or hoisting equipment is used, be  
careful not to touch overhead power lines.  
The generator’s weight of more than 300  
pounds requires proper tools and equipment,  
and qualified personnel to be used in all phases  
of handling and unpacking.  
The generator's rated wattage/amperage capacity  
must be adequate to handle all electrical loads that  
the unit will power. You may have to group the criti-  
cal (essential) electrical loads together and wire them  
into a separate emergency distribution panel.  
Exercise caution when lifting the unit  
manually as it may shift on lifting pipes during  
transportation, which may result in injury.  
In some areas, you may need to acquire electrical  
permits for installing an emergency system, build-  
ing permits for installing gas lines, and permits for  
noise allowances. Check your local codes before  
installing the unit.  
The generator was not designed to be lifted by  
its roof. Use the lifting holes or brackets provided  
near the base of the unit. If using a hook and  
hoist lifting method, you must employ a spreader  
bar to prevent from crushing the roof.  
To lift a nonsound attenuated generator, insert pipe  
having sufficient strength and diameter through the lift-  
ing holes (lifting brackets are provided with sound  
attenuated units), which are located near the unit’s base  
(see Figure 1.1). You also may lift the unit using a hook  
and hoist method provided you use a spreader bar to  
ensure that the lines clear the roof.  
Use oil of American Petroleum Institute (API) Service  
Class SG, SH or SJ. Select the viscosity based on the  
air temperature at the time of operation. See the fol-  
lowing chart:  
Above -7º C (20º F)  
Oil Grade (Recommended)  
SAE 10W-30 or SAE 30  
Figure 1.1 – Location of Lifting Holes/Brackets  
Below -7º C (20º F)  
All Seasons  
SAE 5W-20 or 5W-30  
SAE 5W-30 Synthetic*  
*Organic break-in oil is required before using synthetic oil.  
Any attempt to crank or start the engine before  
it has been properly serviced with the recom-  
mended oil may result in an engine failure.  
(6 kW, 8 kW and 10 kW)  
The following information pertaining to gaseous  
fuel systems is provided to assist gaseous fuel  
technicians in planning installations. In no way  
should this information be interpreted to conflict  
with applicable fuel gas codes. Consult with your  
local fuel supplier or fire marshall if questions or  
problems arise.  
When installing the fuel system, install a flexible  
length of line between the generator fuel connec-  
tion and the rigid piping. The flexible hose must  
be approved for use with gaseous fuels. It is rec-  
ommended that an emergency manual fuel shutoff  
valve be placed in-line.  
(Sound Attenuated)  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
With LP gas, use only the vapor withdrawal system.  
This type of system uses the vapors formed above the liq-  
uid fuel in the storage tank.  
See the following chart for proper sizing of fuel supply  
piping. Insufficient fuel pipe size can cause hard start-  
ing, poor engine performance and inability to carry  
The engine has been fitted with a fuel carburetion sys-  
tem that meets the specifications of the 1997 California  
Air Resources Board for tamper-proof dual fuel sys-  
tems. The unit will run on natural gas or LP gas, but it  
has been factory set to run on natural gas. Should the  
primary fuel need to be changed to LP gas, the fuel sys-  
tem needs to be reconfigured. See Section 1.6.4 (Page  
6) for instructions on reconfiguration of the fuel system.  
NG and LP Vapor Pipe Sizing Chart:  
Length of Pipe  
Iron Pipe Size (IPS Inches)  
1 ¼"  
1 ½"  
Recommended fuels should have a Btu content of at  
least 1,000 Btus per cubic foot for natural gas; or at  
least 2,520 Btus per cubic foot for LP gas. Ask your fuel  
supplier for the Btu content of your fuel.  
Fuel pressure for both natural gas and liquid propane  
(LP) vapor set ups MUST be 11 inches to 14 inches of  
water column (0.6 psi) at all load ranges.  
See the following chart for fuel supply requirements at  
half and full load for both natural gas and LP vapor.  
*Natural gas is in cubic feet per hour.  
Consumption in  
Cubic Feet Per Hour  
Model #  
Nat. Gas (*)  
LP Vapor (**)  
1/2 Load Full Load 1/2 Load Full Load  
6 kW  
8 kW  
10 kW  
105.3 0.86/31.30 1.08/39.30  
140.0 1.07/38.94 1.56/56.77  
177.9 1.16/42.21 2.15/78.24  
126.6 1.06/38.57 1.7/61.86  
To reconfigure the fuel system from NG to LP,  
follow these steps:  
Sound Attn. 84.6  
**LP is in gallons per hour/cubic feet per hour.  
1. Remove the carburetor fuel hose from the natural  
gas port of the fuel load block and the brass fit-  
ting (Figure 1.2).  
Gaseous fuels such as natural gas and liquid  
propane (LP) gas are highly explosive. Even the  
slightest spark can ignite such fuels and cause  
an explosion. No leakage of fuel is permitted.  
Natural gas, which is lighter than air, tends to  
collect in high areas. LP gas is heavier than air  
and tends to settle in low areas.  
2. Remove the blanking plug from the LP port of the  
load block (Figure 1.2).  
Figure 1.2 – Natural Gas Setup`  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
3. Refit the fitting and hose to the LP port and 6 kW, 8 kW and 10 kW Units (Non-SA)  
the blanking plug to the natural gas port  
These Guardian units are supplied with their own  
mounting pads and DO NOT require a concrete pad.  
Remove the packing material from the unit and unbolt  
the two 4-inch by 4-inch wooden blocks from the  
underside of the mounting base. Plug the holes with the  
plugs provided. Prepare the installation site to accept  
the mounting base. Provide adequate substrate to give  
sufficient drainage, i.e., a 3-inch deep section of pea  
gravel scattered under the mounting base.  
(Figure 1.3).  
4. Reverse the procedure to convert back to  
natural gas.  
The natural gas adjustment screw is preset during  
installation and should not need any further  
Figure 1.3 – LP Gas Setup  
See Figure 1.4 (Pages 8-9) for generator and transfer  
switch major dimensions. Sound Attenuated Units  
Retain the generator compartment to a concrete slab  
with 1/4-inch masonry type anchor bolts. Be sure the  
bolts are long enough to retain the compartment. The  
slab should be at least 3 inches thick and should  
extend beyond the enclosure to a distance of at least  
3 inches on all sides.  
See Figure 1.5 (Page 10) for generator major  
1.7.2 TRANSFER SWITCH 6 kW, 8 kW and 10 kW Units (Non-SA)  
The transfer switch shipped with this generator is  
enclosed in a NEMA 1 enclosure. This type of enclo-  
sure is intended for indoor use only. Follow these  
Install the generator set, in its protective enclosure,  
outdoors, where adequate cooling and ventilating air  
always is available. Consider these factors:  
• Install the transfer switch indoors on a firm, stur-  
dy supporting structure.  
• To prevent switch distortion, level the switch  
if necessary. This can be done by placing  
washers between the switch enclosure and  
mounting surface.  
• Never install the switch where water or any corro-  
sive substance might drip onto the enclosure.  
• Protect the switch at all times against excessive  
moisture, dust, dirt, lint, construction grit and  
corrosive vapors.  
• Install the unit where air inlet and outlet openings  
will not become obstructed by leaves, grass, snow,  
etc. If prevailing winds will cause blowing or drift-  
ing, you may need to consider using a windbreak  
to protect the unit.  
• Install the generator on high ground where water  
levels will not rise and endanger it.  
• Allow sufficient room on all sides of the generator  
for maintenance and servicing. A good rule is to  
allow 3 feet of space on all sides.  
• Where strong prevailing winds blow from one  
direction, face the generator air inlet openings into  
the prevailing winds. Sound Attenuated Units  
All sound attenuated models have a transfer switch  
built into the enclosure and do not require a separate  
switch attachment.  
• Install the generator as close as possible to the  
transfer switch. This reduces the length of wiring  
and conduit.  
• Install the generator as close as possible to the fuel  
supply, to reduce the length of piping. HOWEVER,  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Figure 1.4 – Generator and Transfer Switch Mounting Dimensions (6 kW, 8 kW and 10 kW Non-SA)  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Figure 1.4 (Continued)  
Generac Power Systems, Inc.  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Figure 1.5 – Generator Mounting Dimensions (Sound Attenuated)  
10 Generac Power Systems, Inc.  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
One effective way of preventing the generator from  
being overloaded is to use the “Emergency Circuit  
Isolation Method” (Figure 1.6).  
If essential electrical loads cannot be grouped togeth-  
er and wired into an emergency distribution panel,  
you will have to select load circuits that the generator  
will power during a utility power outage.  
Essential electrical loads are grouped together and  
wired into a separate emergency distribution panel.  
Load circuits fed by the emergency distribution panel  
must be within the unit's rated wattage capacity. The  
following apply to this type of isolation system:  
Be careful to avoid overloading the generator. The fol-  
lowing apply to the “Total Circuit Isolation Method”  
(Figure 1.7):  
• The transfer switch is installed between the utility  
service entrance and the distribution panel.  
• The transfer switch ampere rating must be equal to  
the main electrical service entrance rating.  
• The transfer switch is installed between the main  
and the emergency distribution panels as shown.  
• The transfer switch must have an ampere rating  
equal to the ampere rating of the emergency circuit.  
Figure 1.7 – Total Circuit Isolation Method  
Figure 1.6 – Emergency Circuit Isolation Method  
Service Disconnect  
* Ampere rating is equal to or larger than main (nor-  
mal) power source.  
* Ampere rating must equal or exceed the ampere  
rating of the emergency distribution system.  
** Use caution with this system to prevent overload of  
the alternator during utility power failure. All load  
items in the distribution panel must be individual-  
ly turned off. Only certain items can be turned  
back on during alternator operation. These items  
should be specified by your electrician so as not to  
overload the alternator.  
** Ampere capacity is not to exceed the alternator  
rating. Only these items will be powered by the  
standby alternator. If the electrician sizes the load  
properly, the alternator cannot be overloaded.  
All wiring must conform to the National Electrical  
Code, and all state and local codes. Consult a quali-  
fied, licensed electrician.  
All wiring must conform to the National Electrical  
Code, and all state and local codes. Consult a quali-  
fied, licensed electrician.  
The above illustration assumes the utility is supply-  
ing 120/240-volt, single-phase electrical service.  
The above illustration assumes the utility is supply-  
ing 120/240-volt, single-phase electrical service.  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Figure 1.8 represents a single-phase, three-wire gen-  
erator AC connection system. The stator assembly in  
this system consists of a pair of stationary windings  
with two leads brought out of each winding. Each sin-  
gle winding can supply a 120-volt, 60-Hertz AC out-  
put. When the two windings are connected in series,  
a 240-volt, 60-Hertz AC output results. Stator AC out-  
put leads 11 and 44 are the two “hot” leads; the junc-  
tion of leads 22 and 33 forms the neutral lead.  
This generator uses an UNGROUNDED neutral  
line consisting of the junction of stator leads 22  
and 33. Figure 1.9 and Figure 1.10 (Page 13) are  
interconnection diagrams of home standby  
electrical systems. Power voltage leads and  
transfer switch “signal” leads must be run in  
separate conduit.  
All wiring must be the proper size, properly support-  
ed, of approved insulative qualities, and protected by  
NEC approved conduit. Use a length of flexible conduit  
between the generator and any rigid conduit.  
Figure 1.8 – Generator AC Connection System  
See also “Emergency Circuit Isolation Method,”  
Section 1.8, and “Total Circuit Isolation Method,”  
Section 1.9, on Page 11.  
1.11.1 6 KW, 8 KW AND 10 KW UNITS (NON-SA)  
Complete the following AC power lead connections  
for single-phase units (Figure 1.9, Page 13):  
1. Connect utility power supply leads to transfer  
switch terminals N1, N2 and the neutral lug.  
2. Connect generator AC output leads from the gen-  
erator’s main circuit breaker (CB1) and the gen-  
erator neutral lug to transfer switch terminals  
E1, E2 and the neutral lug.  
3. Connect circuit load leads to customer load,  
and to transfer switch terminals T1, T2 and the  
neutral lug.  
The sound attenuated unit utilizes an internal  
100-amp “V”-type transfer switch. The control and  
generator AC wires are prewired from the factory.  
Complete the following AC power lead connections  
for single-phase units (Figure 1.10, Page 13):  
1. Connect utility power supply leads to transfer  
switch terminals N1, N2 and the neutral lug.  
2. Connect circuit load leads to customer load,  
and to transfer switch terminals T1, T2 and the  
neutral lug.  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Figure 1.9 – Interconnection Diagram for Single-Phase Power System (6 kW, 8 kW and 10 kW Non-SA)  
Figure 1.10 – Interconnection Diagram for Single-Phase Power System (Sound Attenuated)  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Figure 1.11 – Interconnection With GTS Transfer Switch (100A, y-type)  
Guardian generators (this DOES NOT APPLY to single-  
phase sound attenuated units) may be installed with  
either a prepackaged transfer switch or with a stan-  
dard GTS-type automatic transfer switch (Figure  
1.11). You can do this by connecting generator control  
console terminals 178 and 183 to identically num-  
bered terminals in the GTS switch. Turn dip switch #2  
“Remote Not Auto” to the ON position on the generator  
control printed circuit board.  
For 6 kw, 8 kW and 10 kW units (not including  
sound attenuated), these interconnections consist  
of “Utility” and leads 23 and 194 (see Figure 1.9,  
Page 13). These four leads must be routed in con-  
duit that is separate from the generator AC power  
leads. Control lead functions may be briefly  
described as follows:  
1. Utility 1 and Utility 2: Deliver utility source power  
to the generator's logic circuit board.  
2. Leads 23 and 194: After the generator starts, the  
logic circuit board in control panel delivers a  
“transfer” signal via these two leads.  
• When logic circuit board action closes this circuit,  
it causes transfer switch main contacts to activate  
and connect load circuits to generator output.  
• When utility source voltage is restored, logic board  
opens leads 23 and 194 circuit. Loads are then  
transferred back to utility circuit.  
The enclosure roof will need to be removed to gain  
access to the printed circuit board.  
When a Guardian generator is installed with a stan-  
dard GTS-type switch, solid-state circuit boards in  
the transfer switch control automatic operation.  
For automatic operating sequences, parameters  
and timing, refer to the appropriate GTS transfer  
switch manual.  
Automatic operation for Guardian generators  
installed with prepackaged transfer switches is  
controlled by a control module circuit board in the  
control panel. Refer to the “Operation” section of  
this manual.  
Recommended size of control circuit leads (Utility  
1 and 2, and 23 and 194) is No. 14 AWG stranded  
copper wire.  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Figure 1.12 – Control Board Configuration  
The generator you are installing may include a  
prepackaged transfer switch configured for three-  
phase loads. If you want to adapt this kind of transfer  
switch for single-phase loads, proceed as follows:  
1. Discard the three-phase power monitor (PM)  
found inside the enclosure. You will not use it  
with a single-phase system.  
2. Locate the eight-pin octal relay socket in the lower  
left corner of the transfer switch enclosure.  
3. Move Wire N1A from Terminal 8 to Terminal 1 by  
cutting the lug off of N1A , stripping wire 5/16"  
from end, and inserting the wire under screw of  
Terminal 1.  
Moving N1A from Terminal 8 to Terminal 1 takes  
the three-phase voltage monitor out of the sensing  
circuit. Now, the control circuit board in the con-  
trol module assembly (CMA) senses utility voltage.  
Generally, connecting a No. 12 AWG stranded copper  
wire to the grounding lug (Figure 1.13) and to an earth-  
driven copper or brass grounding rod (electrode) will  
adequately ground the generator. However, local codes  
may vary widely. Consult with a local electrician for  
grounding requirements in your area.  
4. Now, connect the control wires as follows:  
• Connect Utility Supply to lugs N1 and N2.  
• Connect the Customer Load lugs T1 and T2.  
• Connect the Standby Supply to lugs E1 and E2.  
The control board for the 6 kW, 8 kW and 10 kw has  
four dip switches (see Figure 1.12), which may be set  
up differently during installation.  
Figure 1.13 – Grounding the Generator  
1. Dip switch 1: When in the ON position, the board  
requires 20 Vac from the step down transformer  
to the control board to determine if utility is  
present. This switch is factory preset and should  
not need to be changed. This switch should be set  
in the OFF position.  
2. Dip switch 2: When in the ON position, it will  
disable the automatic starting of these units.  
This should be set when utility is not present at  
the installation location. This is the only switch  
that may need to be set to the ON position for  
these models.  
3. Dip switch 3: It will allow for 50 Hertz opera-  
tion and is not applicable to these models. This  
switch is factory preset and should not need to  
be changed. This switch should be set in the  
OFF position.  
4. Dip switch 4: It has no function at this time.  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Servicing of the battery is to be performed or super-  
vised by personnel knowledgeable of batteries and  
the required precautions. Keep unauthorized person-  
nel away from batteries.  
Do not open or mutilate the battery. Released  
electrolyte has been known to be harmful to  
the skin and eyes, and to be toxic.  
When replacing the battery, use the following type of  
battery: Group 26/26R 12-volt battery with a rating of  
350 cold-cranking amps at -17.8º C (0º F) minimum.  
When using a maintenance-free battery, it is not nec-  
essary to check the specific gravity or electrolyte level.  
Have these procedures performed at the intervals  
specified in the Owner’s Manual “Service Schedule.”  
A negative ground system is used. Battery connec-  
tions are shown on the wiring diagrams. Make sure  
the battery is correctly connected and terminals are  
tight. Observe battery polarity when connecting the  
battery to the generator set.  
The electrolyte is a dilute sulfuric acid that is  
harmful to the skin and eyes. It is electrically  
conductive and corrosive. The following  
procedures are to be observed:  
• Wear full eye protection and protective clothing;  
• Where electrolyte contacts the skin, wash it off  
immediately with water;  
• Where electrolyte contacts the eyes, flush  
thoroughly and immediately with water and seek  
medical attention; and  
• Spilled electrolyte is to be washed down with an  
acid neutralizing agent. A common practice is to  
use a solution of 1 pound (500 grams) bicarbonate  
of soda to 1 gallon (4 liters) or water. The bicar-  
bonate of soda solution is to be added until the  
evidence of reaction (foaming) has ceased. The  
resulting liquid is to be flushed with water and the  
area dried.  
Damage will result if the battery connections are  
made in reverse.  
Your generator is equipped with a battery trickle  
charger that is active when your unit is set up for  
automatic operation. The trickle charger is  
designed to help extend the life of your battery by  
maintaining the battery when the unit is  
not running.  
Lead-acid batteries present a risk of fire  
because they generate hydrogen gas. The  
following procedures are to be followed:  
• DO NOT SMOKE when near the battery;  
• DO NOT cause flame or spark in battery area; and  
• Discharge static electricity from your body before  
touching the battery by first touching a grounded  
metal surface.  
Do not dispose of the battery in a fire. The  
battery is capable of exploding.  
Be sure the Auto/Off/Manual switch is set to  
the OFF position before connecting the battery  
cables. If the switch is set to AUTO or MANUAL,  
the generator can crank and start as soon as  
the battery cables are connected.  
A battery presents a risk of electrical shock  
and high short circuit current. The following  
precautions are to be observed when working  
on batteries:  
• Remove watches, rings or other metal objects;  
• Use tools with insulated handles;  
• Wear rubber gloves and boots;  
• Do not lay tools or metal parts on top of the  
battery; and  
Be sure the utility power supply is turned off,  
or sparking may occur at the battery posts as  
you attach the cables and cause an explosion.  
• Disconnect charging source prior to connecting or dis-  
connecting battery terminals.  
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Section 1 — Installation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Figure 1.14 – Battery Cable Connections  
Fill the battery with the proper electrolyte fluid if nec-  
essary and have the battery fully charged before  
installing it.  
Before installing and connecting the battery, complete  
the following steps:  
1. Set the generator's Auto/Off/Manual switch  
to OFF.  
2. Turn off utility power supply to the transfer  
If the Auto/Off/Manual switch is not set to its  
OFF position, the generator can crank and start  
as soon as the battery cables are connected. If  
the utility power supply is not turned off,  
sparking can occur at the battery posts and  
cause an explosion.  
With the battery installed and utility power source  
voltage available to the transfer switch, the battery  
receives a trickle charge while the engine is not  
running, to prevent self-discharge. The trickle  
charge feature cannot be used to recharge a dis-  
charged battery.  
Battery cables were factory connected at the genera-  
tor (Figure 1.14). Connect cables to battery posts as  
1.18 THE FUSE  
The generator panel’s 15-amp fuse protects the DC  
control circuit against overload. The fuse is wired in  
series with the battery output lead to the panel. If the  
fuse element has melted open, you cannot crank or  
start the engine. You should replace the fuse using  
only an identical 15-amp replacement.  
1. Connect the red battery cable (from starter con-  
tactor) to the battery post indicated by a positive,  
POS or (+).  
2. Connect the black battery cable (from frame  
ground) to the battery post indicated by a nega-  
tive, NEG or (—).  
Before placing the home standby electrical system  
into service, inspect the entire installation carefully.  
Some areas may require that an inspection be per-  
formed by a building or electrical inspector.  
Figure 1.15 – Typical Emergency Power System  
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Section 2 — Operation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Figure 2.2 – Generator Control Panel  
(Sound Attenuated)  
Throughout the “Operation” section, differences  
in procedures specific to sound attenuated units  
will be denoted as follows: (SA = information).  
SWITCH (FIGURE 2.1/2.2)  
Selecting this switch position activates fully automat-  
ic system operation. It also allows you to start and  
exercise the engine every seven days with the setting  
of the exercise timer (see Section 3.10, Page 26). This  
position also is used for remote starting, when it is  
set up.  
2.1.2 “OFF” POSITION  
This switch position shuts down the engine. This  
position also prevents automatic operation.  
Set the switch to MANUAL to crank and start the  
engine. Transfer to standby power will not occur  
unless there is a utility failure.  
With the switch set to AUTO, the engine may  
crank and start at any time without warning.  
Such automatic starting normally occurs when  
utility power source voltage drops below a  
preset level or during the normal exercise cycle.  
To prevent possible injury that might be caused  
by such sudden starts, always set the switch to  
OFF and remove the fuse before working on or  
around the generator or transfer switch. Then,  
place a “Do Not Operate” tag on the generator  
panel and on the transfer switch.  
To select automatic operation, do the following:  
1. Make sure the transfer switch main contacts are  
set to their “Utility” position, i.e., loads connected  
to the utility power source (Figure 2.3, Page 19).  
2. Be sure that normal utility power source voltage is  
available to transfer switch terminal lugs N1 and N2.  
3. Set the generator’s Auto/Off/Manual switch to  
4. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its ON  
Figure 2.1 – Generator Control Panel  
(6 kW, 8 kW, 10 kW Non-SA)  
(or closed) position.  
With the preceding steps complete, the generator will  
start automatically when utility source voltage drops  
below a preset level. After the unit starts, loads are  
transferred to the standby power source. Refer to  
“Sequence of Automatic Operation.”  
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Section 2 — Operation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Sound attenuated units have a control module  
assembly (CMA) board that reads frequency sig-  
nals from the stator battery charge windings and  
relates them to engine speed or rpm. When AC fre-  
quency reaches about 30 Hertz, cranking is termi-  
nated and an engine warmup timer goes ON, run-  
ning for approximately 15 seconds.  
The generator’s control panel houses a control logic  
circuit board. This board constantly monitors utili-  
ty power source voltage. Should that voltage drop  
below a preset level, circuit board action will signal  
the engine to crank and start. After the engine  
starts, the circuit board signals the transfer switch  
to activate and connect load circuits to the standby  
power supply (load terminal lugs T1/T2 connect to  
terminal lugs E1/E2).  
To start the generator and activate the transfer switch  
manually, proceed as follows:  
Upon restoration of utility source voltage above a  
preset level, generator circuit board action signals  
the transfer switch to transfer loads back to that  
power supply. After retransfer, the engine is signalled  
to shut down.  
1. Set the generator’s Auto/Off/Manual switch to  
The actual sequence of operation is controlled by  
sensors and timers on a control logic circuit board,  
as follows:  
2. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its  
OFF (or open) position.  
3. Turn OFF the utility power supply to the transfer  
switch using the means provided (such as a  
utility main line circuit breaker).  
A.Utility Voltage Dropout Sensor  
• This sensor monitors utility source voltage.  
• If utility source voltage drops below about 60 per-  
cent of the nominal supply voltage, the sensor  
energizes a 15-second (SA = six-second) timer.  
• Once the timer has expired, the engine will crank  
and start.  
Do not attempt to activate the transfer switch  
manually until all power voltage supplies  
to the switch have been positively turned off.  
Failure to turn off all power voltage supplies  
may result in extremely hazardous and possibly  
fatal electrical shock.  
B.Engine Warm-up Time Delay  
• This mechanism lets the engine warm up for  
about 10 (SA = 15) seconds before the load is  
transferred to a standby source.  
C.Standby Voltage Sensor  
Figure 2.3 – Manual Transfer Switch Operation  
• This sensor monitors generator AC output volt-  
age. When the voltage has reached 50 percent of  
the nominal rated voltage, transfer to standby  
can occur.  
D.Utility Voltage Pickup Sensor  
• This sensor monitors utility power supply volt-  
age. When that voltage is restored above 80 per-  
cent of the nominal source voltage, a retransfer  
time delay starts timing.  
E.Retransfer Time Delay  
• This timer runs for about 15 (SA = six) seconds.  
• At end of a 15-second (SA = six-second) delay,  
circuit board action de-energizes transfer relay in  
the transfer switch.  
• Retransfer to utility power source then occurs.  
F. Engine Cool-down Timer  
• When the load is transferred back to utility power  
source, the engine cool-down timer starts timing.  
• The timer will run for about one minute, and the  
generator will then shut down.  
4. Use the manual transfer handle inside the trans-  
fer switch to move the main contacts to their  
“Standby” position, i.e., loads connected to the  
standby power source (Figure 2.3).  
5. Turn ON the utility power supply to the transfer  
switch using the means provided (such as a  
utility main line circuit breaker).  
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Section 2 — Operation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
6. To crank and start the engine, set the  
Auto/Off/Manual switch to MANUAL.  
7. Let the engine stabilize and warm up for a few  
8. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its ON  
(or closed) position. The standby power source  
now powers the loads.  
On sound attenuated models, there are LED read-  
outs on the control panel to notify you that one of  
these faults has occurred. There is also a “System  
Set” LED that is lit when all of the following condi-  
tions are true:  
1. The Auto/Off/Manual switch is set to the AUTO  
2. The “Not In Auto” dip switch is set to the OFF  
position on the control board.  
3. No alarms are present.  
When utility power has been restored, you will want  
to transfer back to that source and shut down the  
generator. This can be accomplished as follows:  
This switch (Figure 2.4) has normally closed contacts  
that are held open by engine oil pressure during  
cranking and operating. Should oil pressure drop  
below the 8 psi range, switch contacts close, and the  
engine shuts down. The unit should not  
be restarted until oil is added, and the  
Auto/Off/Manual switch must be turned to OFF and  
then back to AUTO.  
1. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its  
OFF (or open) position.  
2. Let the engine run for a minute or two at no-load  
to stabilize the internal temperatures.  
3. Set the generator’s Auto/Off/Manual switch to  
its OFF (or open) position. The engine should  
shut down.  
4. Check that utility power supply to the transfer  
switch is turned OFF.  
This switch’s (Figure 2.4) contacts close if the tem-  
perature should exceed approximately 140º C (284º  
F), initiating an engine shutdown. Your generator will  
automatically restart and the LED will reset once the  
temperature has returned to a safe operating level.  
Do not attempt to activate the transfer switch  
manually until all power voltage supplies  
to the switch have been positively turned off.  
Failure to turn off all power voltage supplies  
may result in extremely hazardous and possibly  
fatal electrical shock.  
Figure 2.4 – Low Oil Pressure and  
High Temperature Switches  
5. Use the manual transfer handle inside the trans-  
fer switch to move the main contacts back to their  
“Utility” position, i.e., loads connected to the util-  
ity power source (Figure 2.3, Page 19).  
6. Turn ON the utility power supply to the transfer  
switch using the means provided.  
7. Set the system to automatic operation as  
outlined in Automatic Transfer Operation,”  
Section 2.2 (Page 18).  
Unlike an automobile engine, the generator may have  
to run for long periods of time with no operator pres-  
ent to monitor engine conditions. For that reason, the  
engine is equipped with the following systems that  
protect it against potentially damaging conditions:  
This feature prevents the generator from damaging itself  
when it continually attempts to start and another prob-  
lem, such as no fuel supply, prevents it from starting.  
The unit will crank and rest for a preset time limit.  
Then, it will stop cranking, and the LED will light indi-  
cating an overcrank failure. The Auto/ Off/Manual switch  
will need to be set to OFF and then back to AUTO to  
reset the generator control board.  
1. Low Oil Pressure Sensor  
2. High Temperature Sensor  
3. Overcrank  
4. Overspeed  
If the fault is not repaired, the overcrank feature  
will continue to activate.  
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Section 2 — Operation  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
2. Remote/Common Alarm – This allows for an  
alarm, light, horn, etc., to activate when any fault  
has occurred. Lines #210 (common) and #211  
(normally open) provide a “closure” on common  
fault, which can be used for 120 volts, 10 amps  
maximum. See Figure 2.5. Approximate Crank Cycle Times  
• 15 seconds ON  
• 15 seconds OFF  
• 7 seconds ON  
• 7 seconds OFF  
• Repeat for 45 seconds  
Approximately 90 seconds total  
3. Remote Not Auto – The generator will not auto-  
matically start during a utility failure.  
Model 00844 of the sound attenuated air-cooled  
Guardians offers additional features that are not factory  
preset (see Figure 2.6):  
This feature protects the generator from damage by  
shutting it down if it happens to run faster than the pre-  
set limit. This protection also prevents the generator  
from supplying an output that could potentially damage  
appliances connected to the generator circuit. The over-  
speed feature will activate as follows:  
1. Remote Start – This allows for remote starting of the  
generator by means of the #183 and #178 lines with  
the Auto/Off/Manual switch set to AUTO.  
2. Engine Run Signal – The engine run signal is con-  
trolled by the #14 line. The “volt free” engine run  
signal relay closes when the #14 line is “hot.”  
3. Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) in Emergency –  
For this to be active, a microswitch on the transfer  
switch sends a signal along the #231 line to close  
the “volt free” contact relay.  
4. Shutdown Fault – This signal is controlled by the  
main printed circuit board along the #229 line.  
When a common fault occurs (low oil pressure,  
high temperature, overspeed, overcrank), the  
control board will send a signal along the #229  
line to close the "volt free" contact relay.  
1. If the generator runs at 72 Hertz for five seconds,  
the generator will shut down.  
2. If the generator reaches 75 Hertz, it will shut  
down instantly.  
2.6.1 6 KW, 8 KW AND 10 KW UNITS (NON-SA)  
The standard 6 kW, 8 kW and 10 kW air-cooled  
Guardians offer additional features that are not  
factory preset:  
1. Remote Start – This allows for remote starting of  
the generator by means of the #183 (common)  
and #178 (normally open) lines with the  
Auto/Off/Manual switch set to AUTO. Closure of  
the circuit starts the unit; opening of the circuit  
stops the unit. See Figure 2.5.  
Figure 2.6 – Remote Alarms  
This function will work ONLY with the unit in the  
AUTO mode.  
Figure 2.5 – Remote Start/Alarm Options  
–Type 14 AWG wire is recommended.  
–These options should be wired to the unit by a qualified electrician or  
Generac/Guardian Authorized Dealer.  
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Section 3 — Post-installation Start-up Adjustments  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
4. When certain that utility supply voltage is com-  
patible with transfer switch and load circuit rat-  
ings, turn OFF the utility power supply to the  
transfer switch.  
Before starting, complete the following:  
1. Set the generator's Auto/Off/Manual switch to the  
OFF position.  
2. Turn OFF the utility power supply to the transfer  
switch using the means provided (such as the  
utility main line circuit breaker).  
3. Check the engine crankcase oil level and, if neces-  
sary, fill to the dipstick FULL mark with the rec-  
ommended oil. Do not fill above the FULL mark.  
4. Check the fuel supply. Gaseous fuel lines must  
have been properly purged and leak tested in  
accordance with applicable fuel-gas codes. All  
fuel shutoff valves in the fuel supply lines must  
be open.  
5. Set the generator's main circuit breaker to its  
OFF (or open) position. Initial tests will be con-  
ducted at no-load condition.  
6. On the generator panel, set the Auto/Off/Manual  
switch to MANUAL. The engine should crank  
and start.  
7. Let the engine warm up for about five minutes to  
allow internal temperatures to stabilize. Then, set  
the generator’s main circuit breaker to its ON (or  
closed) position.  
Proceed with caution! Generator power voltage  
is now supplied to the transfer switch. Contact  
with live transfer switch parts will result in  
dangerous and possibly fatal electrical shock.  
Never operate the engine with the oil level  
below the “Add” mark on the dipstick. Doing  
this could damage the engine.  
8. Connect an accurate AC voltmeter and an AC fre-  
quency meter across transfer switch terminal  
lugs E1 and E2. Voltage should be 242-252 volts;  
frequency should read about 61-63 Hertz.  
9. Connect the AC voltmeter test leads across termi-  
nal lug E1 and neutral; then across E2 and neu-  
tral. In both cases, voltage reading should be 121-  
126 volts AC.  
Refer to Section 2.4 (Page 19) for manual operation  
10. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its  
OFF (or open) position. Let the engine run at no-  
load for a few minutes to stabilize internal engine  
generator temperatures.  
Do not attempt manual transfer switch  
operation until all power voltage supplies to  
the transfer switch have been positively turned  
off. Failure to turn off all power voltage  
supplies will result in extremely hazardous  
and possibly fatal electrical shock.  
11. Set the generator's Auto/Off/Manual switch to  
OFF. The engine should shut down.  
It is important that you DO NOT proceed until you  
are certain that generator AC voltage and frequen-  
cy are correct and within the stated limits.  
Generally, if both AC frequency and voltage are  
high or low, the engine governor requires adjust-  
ment. If frequency is correct, but voltage is high or  
low, the generator’s voltage regulator requires  
Complete electrical checks as follows:  
1. Turn on the utility power supply to the transfer  
switch using the means provided (such as a utili-  
ty main line circuit breaker).  
The transfer switch is now electrically “hot.”  
Contact with “hot” parts will result in extremely  
hazardous and possibly fatal electrical shock.  
Proceed with caution.  
To test the generator set with electrical loads applied,  
proceed as follows:  
1. Set generator’s main circuit breaker to its OFF  
(or open) position.  
2. Use an accurate AC voltmeter to check utility  
power source voltage across terminals N1 and  
N2. Nominal line-to-line voltage should be 240  
volts AC.  
2. Set the generator's Auto/Off/Manual switch  
to OFF.  
3. Check utility power source voltage across termi-  
nals N1 and the transfer switch neutral lug; then  
across terminal N2 and neutral. Nominal line-to-  
neutral voltage should be 120 volts AC.  
3. Turn OFF the utility power supply to the transfer  
switch, using the means provided (such as a util-  
ity main line circuit breaker).  
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Section 3 — Post-installation Start-up Adjustments  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
With the Auto/Off/Manual switch at AUTO, the engine  
should crank and start when the utility source power  
is turned OFF. After starting, the transfer switch  
should connect load circuits to the standby side. Let  
the system go through its entire automatic sequence  
of operation.  
Do not attempt manual transfer switch  
operation until all power voltage supplies to  
the transfer switch have been positively turned  
off. Failure to turn off all power voltage  
supplies will result in extremely hazardous  
and possibly fatal electrical shock.  
With the generator running and loads powered by  
generator AC output, turn ON the utility power sup-  
ply to the transfer switch. The following should  
4. Manually set the transfer switch to the STANDBY  
position, i.e., load terminals connected to the  
generator's E1/E2 terminals. The transfer switch  
operating lever should be down.  
5. Set the generator's Auto/Off/Manual switch to  
MANUAL. The engine should crank and start  
• After about six seconds, the switch should transfer  
loads back to the utility power source.  
• About one minute after retransfer, the engine  
should shut down.  
6. Let the engine stabilize and warm up for a few  
When the natural gas system is being used, the load  
block is fitted with an adjustment screw that has  
been calibrated to provide maximum power.  
However, because of variations in the Btu content of  
natural gas across the country, it may be necessary to  
readjust the load block.  
7. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its ON  
(or closed) position. Loads are now powered by  
the standby generator.  
8. Turn ON electrical loads. Apply an electrical load  
equal to the full rated wattage/amperage capacity  
of the installed generator.  
9. Connect an accurate AC frequency meter across  
terminal lugs E1 and E2. Voltage should be  
greater than 230 volts; frequency should be  
greater than 58 Hertz.  
10. Let the generator run at full rated load for 20-30  
minutes. Listen for unusual noises, vibration or  
other indications of abnormal operation. Check  
for oil leaks, evidence of overheating, etc.  
11. When testing under load is complete, turn OFF  
electrical loads.  
• Connect a frequency meter to the output of the  
• Start the unit and apply full load according to the  
following chart:  
120 Volts  
50 amps  
240 Volts  
25 amps  
33.3 amps  
41.6 amps  
33.3 amps  
6 kW (Non-SA):  
8 kW (Non-SA):  
66.7 amps  
10 kW (Non-SA): 83.3 amps  
Sound Attn.:  
66.7 amps  
• Allow the unit to stabilize; then, turn the adjust-  
ment screw slowly clockwise or counterclockwise  
and watch the frequency.  
12. Set the generator's main circuit breakers to their  
OFF (or open) positions.  
13. Let the engine run at no-load for a few minutes.  
14. Set the Auto/Off/Manual switch to OFF. The  
engine should shut down.  
• When the highest frequency is reached, turn the  
adjustment screw counterclockwise 1/4 turn.  
• The fuel system is now set.  
• For LP gas operations, the hose and blanking plug  
must be reconfigured as shown in Figure 1.3, Page  
7. The unit is set to provide maximum power  
using LP gas.  
To check the system for proper automatic operation,  
proceed as follows:  
1. Check that the Auto/Off/Manual switch is set  
to OFF.  
2. Manually set the transfer switch to the UTILITY  
position, i.e., load terminals connected to the util-  
ity power source side.  
Do not make any unnecessary adjustments.  
Factory settings are correct for most applica-  
tions. However, when making adjustments, be  
careful to avoid overspeeding the engine.  
3. Turn ON the utility power supply to the transfer  
switch, using the means provided (such as a util-  
ity main line circuit breaker).  
4. Set the Auto/Off/Manual switch to AUTO. The sys-  
tem is now ready for automatic operation.  
5. Turn OFF the utility power supply to the transfer  
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Section 3 — Post-installation Start-up Adjustments  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
3.7.2 8 KW AND 10 KW UNITS (NON-SA)  
If both AC frequency and voltage are correspondingly  
high or low, adjust the engine governor as follows:  
1. Loosen the governor clamp bolt (Figure 3.2).  
2. Push the spring end of the governor lever clock-  
wise to the wide open throttle position of  
the lever.  
3.7.1 6 KW UNITS (NON-SA)  
• Hold the governor lever at wide open throttle  
and, with a screwdriver, rotate the governor  
shaft fully clockwise.  
• Before tightening, verify that the governor lever is  
pushed all the way onto the governor shaft.  
• While holding the governor shaft fully clockwise  
and the governor lever at wide open throttle,  
tighten the governor clamp bolt to 70 inch-  
pounds (8 N-m).  
1. Loosen the governor clamp bolt (Figure 3.1).  
2. Push the spring end of the governor lever clock-  
wise to the wide open throttle position of  
the lever.  
• Hold the governor lever at wide open throttle and,  
with a pair of pliers, rotate the governor shaft  
fully clockwise.  
• While holding the governor shaft fully clockwise  
and the governor lever at wide open throttle,  
tighten the governor clamp bolt to 70 inch-  
pounds (8 N-m).  
3. Start the engine; let it stabilize and warm up at  
4. Turn the speed adjust nut to obtain a frequency  
reading of 62 Hertz.  
3. Start the engine; let it stabilize and warm up at  
5. When frequency is correct at no-load, check the  
AC voltage reading. If voltage is incorrect, the volt-  
age regulator may require adjustment.  
4. Turn the adjuster nut to obtain a frequency read-  
ing of 62 Hertz.  
5. Determine if the governor spring is properly  
located in the slot of the governor lever as  
• If droop is excessive, move the governor spring  
down one slot on the lever.  
Figure 3.2 – 8 kW and 10 kW  
Engine Governor Adjustment  
For greater stability, move the governor spring up  
one slot on the lever.  
6. After repositioning the spring on a lever slot,  
recheck the frequency reading and, if necessary,  
readjust the adjuster nut to obtain 62 Hertz at  
7. When frequency is correct at no-load, check the  
AC voltage reading. If voltage is incorrect, the volt-  
age regulator may require adjustment.  
Figure 3.1 – 6 kW  
Engine Governor Adjustment  
If the engine continues to run fast, use a pair of  
pliers to bend the bend tab clockwise to release  
tension on the lower governor spring.  
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Section 3 — Post-installation Start-up Adjustments  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Figure 3.4 – Voltage Adjustment Potentiometer  
1. Carefully inspect the governor anti-lash  
spring (Figure 3.3). Be sure it is not broken  
or disengaged.  
2. Loosen the governor clamp nut. Then, push the  
spring end of the governor lever all the way up  
(wide open throttle).  
3. Hold the governor lever at wide open throttle and  
insert the tip of a screwdriver into the slotted end  
of the governor shaft.  
• Hold the governor lever at wide open throttle and  
rotate the governor shaft fully counterclockwise.  
• Hold the governor shaft fully counterclockwise  
and tighten the governor clamp nut to 70 inch-  
pounds (8 N-m) torque.  
Figure 3.3 – Sound Attenuated  
Engine Governor Adjustment  
The voltage regulator is housed in the generator's  
a voltage in direct proportion to frequency at a 2-  
to-1 ratio. For example, at 62 Hertz, line-to-neu-  
tral voltage will be 124 volts.  
3.9.1 6 KW, 8 KW AND 10 KW UNITS (NON-SA)  
See item 3 of Section 1.15 on Page 15 for overspeed  
adjustment information for these units.  
Use the following overspeed adjustment procedure:  
1. For initial setting, turn the potentiometer fully  
2. Start the engine and increase the governed  
speed setting to 72 Hertz (62 Hertz for 50 Hertz  
rated units).  
If immediate shutdown occurs when the engine  
starts, reverse the potentiometer setting done  
in item 1.  
3. Turn the adjustment potentiometer slowly until  
the engine shuts down.  
4. Readjust the governor to the rated speed.  
With the frequency between 61-62 Hertz, slowly turn  
the slotted potentiometer (Figure 3.4) until line volt-  
age reads 244-252 volts.  
You must remove the roof to adjust the voltage  
regulator on nonsound attenuated units.  
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Section 3 — Post-installation Start-up Adjustments  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
The generator will start and exercise once every  
seven days. During this weekly exercise, the unit  
runs for about 20 minutes and shuts down.  
Transfer of loads to generator output does not occur  
during the exercise.  
3.10.1 6 KW, 8 KW AND 10 KW UNITS (NON-SA)  
Your generator is equipped with an exercise timer.  
Once it is set, the generator will start and exercise  
once every seven days, on the day of the week and at  
the time of day you complete the following sequence.  
During this exercise period, the unit runs for approx-  
imately 12 minutes and then shuts down. Transfer of  
loads to the generator output does not occur during  
the exercise cycle.  
A switch on the control panel (see Figure 2.2, Page  
18) permits the day and time of day for system exer-  
cise to be selected. To select the desired day and time  
of day, proceed as follows:  
1. Set the Auto/Off/Manual switch to OFF.  
2. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to its  
OFF (or open) position.  
3. On the control panel, locate the rocker switch  
identified with the words “Set Exercise Time.”  
4. Hold the “Set Exercise Time” switch in the ON  
(downward) position for 20 to 30 seconds. The  
switch springs back into its original position  
when released.  
A switch on the control panel (see Figure 2.1, Page  
18) allows you to select the day and time for system  
exercise. To select the desired day and time of day,  
proceed as follows:  
1. Verify that the Auto/Off/Manual switch is set  
to AUTO.  
2. Hold down the Set Exercise Timer switch until  
the generator starts (approximately 10 seconds)  
and then release.  
3. The generator will start and run for approximate-  
ly 12 minutes and then shut down on its own.  
The exerciser will then be set to run at that time  
of day every week.  
5. Wait about 30 seconds before setting the  
Auto/Off/Manual switch to AUTO.  
If you reset the Auto/Off/Manual switch too  
soon, the engine may start. If engine does  
start, it shuts off automatically in two minutes.  
The exerciser will only work in the AUTO mode  
and will not work unless this procedure is per-  
formed. The exerciser will need to be reset every  
time the 12-volt battery is disconnected and then  
reconnected. The exerciser WILL NOT work if dip  
switch 2 (Remote Not Auto) is ON.  
6. Set the generator’s main circuit breaker to  
its ON (or closed) position. The generator will  
start and exercise every seven days thereafter,  
on the day and at the time of day you pressed  
the switch.  
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Section 4 — Troubleshooting  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
The engine will not crank.  
1. Fuse blown  
1. Replace fuse.  
2. Loose, corroded or defective  
2. Tighten, clean or replace  
battery cables  
as necessary.  
3. Defective starter contactor  
4. Defective starter motor  
5. Dead battery  
3. Replace starter contactor.  
4. Replace starter motor.  
5. Charge or replace battery.  
The engine cranks but  
will not start.  
1. Out of fuel  
1. Replenish fuel.  
2. Defective fuel solenoid (FS)  
3. Open #14 wire from  
engine control board  
2. Replace fuel solenoid.  
3. Check connections and  
insulation of #14 wires.  
4. Clean, re-gap or replace plug(s).  
4. Defective spark plug(s)  
The engine starts hard  
and runs rough.  
1. Air cleaner  
plugged or damaged  
2. Defective spark plug(s)  
1. Check, clean or replace  
air cleaner.  
2. Clean, re-gap or replace plug(s).  
The engine starts but shuts  
down immediately.  
1. Engine oil level low  
2. Defective low oil  
pressure switch  
1. Check oil and add oil as needed.  
2. Replace pressure switch.  
3. Defective high temperature  
4. Defective control board  
3. Replace temperature switch.  
4. Replace control board.  
1. Replace switch.  
The Auto/Off/Manual switch  
is set to OFF, but the engine  
continues to run.  
1. Defective Auto/Off/Manual  
2. Auto/Off/Manual switch  
2. Check wiring and connections.  
3. Replace control board.  
wired incorrectly  
3. Defective control board  
There is no AC output from  
the generator.  
1. Main line circuit breaker open  
2. Generator internal failure  
1. Reset circuit breaker  
to ON (closed) position.  
2. Contact an Authorized  
There is no transfer to  
standby after utility  
source failure.  
1. Defective transfer switch coil  
2. Defective transfer relay  
3. Transfer relay circuit open  
4. Defective control logic board  
1. Replace transfer switch coil.  
2. Replace transfer relay.  
3. Close transfer relay circuit.  
4. Replace control logic board.  
Unit starts automatically when  
switched to the AUTO position.  
1. Utility not present.  
1. Switch dip switch 2 on control  
board if utility is not available.  
Check all connections if utility  
should be present.  
2. Defective Auto/Off/Manual  
2. Replace switch.  
System Set LED is not lit when  
switched to the AUTO position.  
1. Failure present, i.e., low oil  
2. Dip switch 2 set to the ON  
1. Correct failure.  
2. Switch to the OFF position if  
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Section 4 — Troubleshooting  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
Complies with local code requirements and all  
National Electrical Codes.  
Battery is connected properly.  
Recommended battery is installed.  
Cables are clean and tight.  
Utility is connected and present.  
Transfer switch is connected.  
All wires running outside of the generator are in  
NEC-approved conduit. *Note: Utility wires and  
transfer switch control wires must be in separate  
Terminals are coated with anti-corrosion grease,  
and terminal covers are positioned.  
Unit is grounded to an approved earth ground.  
Complies with local and NFPA codes.  
Fuel is connected and checked for leaks.  
All inlets and outlets are free from obstruction.  
Correct fuel pressure (11-14 inches of water  
See Figure 1.4 and Figure 1.5.  
(0.6 psi) at all load ranges).  
Load block adjusted for maximum power for  
natural gas fuel.  
Verify that the unit is filled to the proper level with  
the proper break-in oil. Adjust as required.  
Notify owner that the “Break-in Procedure” should  
be performed. Refer the owner to the Owner’s  
Manual shipped with the unit.  
Unit is fastened to the appropriate mounting pad.  
Louvers are free from obstruction.  
Exhaust is clear of flammable objects and debris.  
Control board is configured properly. See  
Section 1.15.  
Remote alarm is installed if desired. See  
Section 2.6.  
Remote start is installed if desired. See  
Section 2.6.  
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Section 5 — Notes  
Guardian Air-cooled Generators  
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P.O. BOX 8  
WAUKESHA, WI 53187  
Part No. C4219  
Revision * (12/13/99)  
Printed in U.S.A.  
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